Clin Chem: first blood test, open the

On November 6, a study published in the Clinical Chemistry paper, introduced from the United Kingdom and other scientists, who study at the University of Plymouth, developed a simple and accurate blood test and low risk techniques, non-invasive DNA test technology, using a needle to complete detection and a very low risk.

According to foreign media reports, the study by the United Kingdom Plymouth Hospitals NHS Foundation (Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust) and the University of Plymouth (Plymouth University) institutions such as completed, the technology can help pregnant women to prenatal diagnosis, to help detect fetal blood type, gender and genetic status.Compared to conventional amniocentesis, this new type of non-invasive DNA test technology, using a needle to complete detection and a very low risk.Using needle new blood testing technique can be used in x-linked recessive genetic disease risk in mothers, including Hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, but also suffer from hemolytic disease of the newborn testing.

Researchers said when pregnant women are under doctor's approval, or even in early pregnancy, maternal blood test could be used.

Professor Neil Avent said, despite more than 10 years, we can take advantage of the peripheral blood of pregnant women to detect fetal blood group and gender, but this study provides us with an accurate and sensitive detection of fetal blood test organisms ' DNA, the technologies or can be used to test for the disease, and compared to the current non-intrusive means, the technology cheaper.

The researchers added, this new technology for early identification of the baby's disease provides a relatively low-risk way, then can help with early diagnosis, and the development of new therapies to benefit pregnant women and infants;From an objective point of view, this technique can lead to the clinical management and treatment of pregnant women.

Finally Dr Ross Welch said, a new test is pregnant individuals can select a project, because pregnant people have a right to know what's going to happen in the future, of course, in this study the researchers developing new detection techniques are not only effective, but also very low health risks to mother and baby.

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